The U-LYNC Discussions

About U LYNC
Urban Life of Young People in the Nordic Countries: Challenges and Opportunities or U-LYNC is a Nordic youth project that aims to support and create a platform for the voices of young people. About 80 young people from 10 cities have been discussing the issues they find the most important when it comes to the 5 main themes of the project: Youth Participation, Mental Health, Education, Sustainability & Diversity.
The results of the U-LYNC conference will be presented to the leaders of the 10 Nordic cities during the next "Storbyens Hjerte og Smerte" conference that will take place in Reykjavík in September 2024 under the title STRONGER TOGETHER.

Workshop Facilitators
Nordic Youth
Nordic Cities

The Cities
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All Day - Arrive in Reykjavík & Settle into Dalur Hostel
15:00 - Check in at Dalur Hostel
18:30-20:00 - Dinner is served in Dalur Hostel
19:30/20:00 - Optional: board games in the youth center OR trip to the swimming pool
22:00 - Cozy time at Dalur Hostel
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7:30-8:30 - Breakfast is served at Dalur Hostel
9:00-9:30 - Opening ceremony in Iðnó
9:30-12:00 - Workshop Session 1
12:00-13:30 - Lunch & Free time in Iðnó
13:30-16:00 - Workshop Session 2
16:00-17:30 - Free time - you could walk around the city
17:30-18:45 - Dinner in Iðnó
18:45-19:30 - Transportation
19:30-22:00 - Skylagoon!
22:00 - Cozy time at Dalur Hostel
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7:30-9:00 - Breakfast is served at Dalur Hostel
9:30-12:00 - Workshop Session 3
12:00-13:30 - Lunch & Free time in Iðnó
13:30-15:50 - Workshop Session 4
15:50-16:10 - Mini Closing Ceremony in Iðnó
16:20-16:40 - Transportation to Flyover Iceland
16:30-17:50 - Flyover Iceland (each slot is 35 min)
Quick Stop in Dalur Hostel
18:30-21:30 - Dinner & Closing Party in Höfuðstöðin
22:00 - Cozy time at Dalur Hostel
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All Day - Make your way to Keflavík Airport
7:30-10:00 - Self arranged breakfast
10:00 - Dalur Hostel Check out

/ Contact
For any additional information, please contact:
Conference Coordinator Þorbjörg Arna Sigrúnardóttir Jónasdóttir